>> Dance with me!
>> Free workshops for career orientation with prospect of the Connection Dance Center 2022
>> In 2021, we offer three career-oriented workshops for interested people aged 15 to 27, led by choreographer Mónica García Vicente, to try out and prepare for the planned audition on 5th of December for the CDC – Connection Dance Center 2022 (see below).
>> Besides dance, you will also have the chance to get to know the points of contact with music, dramaturgy, acting, visual art, video art and much more through the various guest workshop leaders.
>> The workshops are offered in different levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced) to give everyone the opportunity to dive into the world of dance.
>> You can register for one or more workshops.
>> 1st workshop
Focus on repertoire by Mónica García Vicente
Sunday, 05.09.21
Level: Beginner / 10:30 – 16:30 Uhr
Guest workshop leaders: Davide Sioni (Classical) / Laura Nicole Viganó (Classical), Live music: Emre Kesim
Sunday, 12.09.21
Level: Beginner / 10:30 – 16:30 Uhr
Guest workshop leader: Bettina Paletta (Contemporary), Live music: Emre Kesim
Sunday, 26.09.21
Level: Intermediate / 10:30 – 16:30 Uhr
Guest workshop leader: Loris Zambon (Contemporary), Live music: Emre Kesim
Sunday, 10.10.21
Level: Advanced / 10:30 – 16:30 Uhr
Guest workshop leaders: Davide Sioni (Classical) / Laura Nicole Viganó (Classical), Live music: Emre Kesim
Our guest workshop leaders for the 1st workshop
Davide Sioni
05.09.2021 / 10.10.2021
Dancer born in Italy, trained at the Vienna Ballet School as well as at the Zurich Dance Academy. Since 2016 member of the company of the Hanover State Opera. Won the Soli Lyon Award with the solo piece Mar adentroby Mónica García Vicente.
Laura Nicole Viganó
05.09.2021 / 10.10.2021
Dancer born in Lecco / Italy, trained at Teatro Nuovo Torino. Engagements with the Company Teatro Nuovo Torino, Maggio Danza / Florence, Aterballetto, among others. Since 2014 soloist of the Staatsballett Hannover. Performances in Piscesand Formaby Mónica García Vicente.
Bettina Paletta
Freelance dancer and choreographer, born in Nuremberg, trained at the Palucca Hochschule für Tanz in Dresden. Engagements and projects with dance company of Golde Grunske, tanzwerkstatt Kassel, Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen, State Opera Ankara, among others. Performances since 2019 in various dance productions by Mónica García Vicente.
Loris Zambon
Dancer, dance teacher and choreographer, born in Turin, trained at Teatro Nuovo Torino. Engagements at Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux, Aterbaletto, Theater Linz, Staatsoper Hannover, among others. Freelance since 2013. Performances in various dance productions by Mónica García Vicente.
Emre Kesim
Live music at all workshops
Contemporary dance accompanist, multi-instrumentalist and composer works for the national and international dance scene, accompanies various dance workshops and performs live on stage for various dance pieces. He studied with multi-instrumentalist Paul Pavey and at Bilkent University in Ankara. Among others, he worked with Modern Dance Turkey at Ankara State Opera & Ballet and Hacettepe University State Conservatory.
>> 2nd workshop
Focus on improvisation
Monday, 25.10.21
Level: Beginner / 10:30 – 16:30 Uhr
Guest workshop leader: Gerhard Merkin (Visual arts), Live music: Emre Kesim
Tuesday, 26.10.21
Level: Advanced / 10:30 – 16:30 Uhr
Guest workshop leader: Gerhard Merkin (Visual arts), Live music: Emre Kesim
Wednesday, 27.10.21
Level: Intermediate – Advanced / 10:30 – 16:30 Uhr
Guest workshop leader: Emre Kesim (Music and composition)
Thursday, 28.10.21
Level: Advanced / 10:30 – 16:30 Uhr
Guest workshop leader: Mbene Mbunga Mwambene (Acting), Live musik: Emre Kesim
Our guest workshop leaders for the 2nd workshop
Gerhard Merkin (Visual arts)
25.10.2021 / 26.10.2021
Painter and interior designer with many years of experience. Exhibitions since 1995 in Japan, London, Munich, Hanover, among others.
Christoph Lubrich (Light design)
Event technology master FR stage/studio, technical manager at the Kulturzentrum Pavillon Hannover. Freelance project manager, music producer, sound engineer, lecturer and lighting designer, e.g. for the German Music Council and Circustheater Roncalli. Since 2019, lighting design for various productions by Mónica García Vicente.
Emre Kesim (Music and composition)
27.10.2021 / Live music at all workshops
Contemporary dance accompanist, multi-instrumentalist and composer works for the national and international dance scene, accompanies various dance workshops and performs live on stage for various dance pieces. He studied with multi-instrumentalist Paul Pavey and at Bilkent University in Ankara. Among others, he worked with Modern Dance Turkey at Ankara State Opera & Ballet and Hacettepe University State Conservatory.
Mbene Mbunga Mwambene (Acting)
Zambian-Malawian actor, journalist, poet, theater director, story-teller and dancer currently based in Bern, Switzerland. He is the first African to have ‘been granted privilege’ to study at Bern University of Arts for a Master degree in Expanded Theater. In 2011, Prof. Christoph Nix from Theater Konstanz, Germany, commissioned Mbene to produce a solo piece, The Story of a Tiger which he later performed in various countries across Africa, Europe and Asia..
>> 3rd workshop
Focus on trying out different dance styles
Sunday, 07.11.21
Level: Beginner / 10:30 – 16:30 Uhr
Guest workshop leaders: Joshua Bhima (African Style) / Simone Deriu (Acrobatics)
Sunday, 14.11.21
Level: Advanced / 10:30 – 16:30 Uhr
Guest workshop leaders: Joshua Bhima (African Style) / Sara Angius (Bamboo, an experience of motion)
Sunday, 21.11.21
Level: Intermediate – Advanced / 10:30 – 16:30 Uhr
Guest workshop leaders: Lorenzo Pignataro (Hip Hop) / Manuela Bolegue (Breakdance)
Sunday, 28.11.21
Level: Advanced / 10:30 – 16:30 Uhr
Guest workshop leaders: Christina Rohwetter (Creative Writing) / Rubén Cabaliero Campo (Classical)
Our guest workshop leaders for the 3rd workshop
Joshua Bhima (African Style)
07.11.2021 / 14.11.2021
Malawian dancer with experience as a performer and dance teacher trained at the Dance Foundation Course (DFC) of the Dance Trust of Zimbabwe (DTZ). He has worked with local and international companies in both dance and theatre performances and has been teaching at schools such as St Andrews International High School, Southend International Primary School and Hillview International Primary School since 2011.
Simone Deriu (Acrobatics)
Dancer and choreographer, born in Sassari, Italy, after 11 years of competitive gymnastics, completed his dance training in classical and modern dance at the Rotterdam Dance Academy and started his collaboration with Felix Landerer in Hannover in 2010. Simone is a freelancer on international stages.
Sara Angius (Bamboo, an experience of motion)
Italian choreographer and performer, began her professional training as a contemporary dancer in Milan, at the same time graduating in Communication for the Performing Arts from the State University of Milan. She has worked in permanent theatres such as Brunswick or in independent projects. Sara has been developing her own choreographies since 2013.
Lorenzo Pignataro (Hip Hop)
Freelance choreographer and dancer trained independently in Los Angeles, Paris and St. Petersburg, among other places. Born in Hanover, he has worked with clients such as Penny Deutschland and Mike Singer and was a dancer in the film version of “I’ve Never Been to New York”.
Manuela Bolegue (Breakdance)
Dancer and choreographer from France with Central African roots. She is travelling all around the globe to teach, compete, perform and judge. Her dance style is a great combination of power, technique, musicality and flow.
Christina Rohwetter (Creative Writing)
Literary scholar and poetry therapist, born in Berlin, director of the Akademie Literatur & Leben in Hanover with Sabine Göttel, since 2019 dramaturgy and artistic collaboration in dance projects by Mónica García Vicente.
Rubén Cabaliero Campo (Classical)
Spanish dancer, received his training at the Centro de Danza Víctor Ullate in Madrid and gained experience in the ensemble of the Víctor Ullate Ballet, the Ballet Zurich and the Ballet of the Staatsoper Hannover, among others. Rubén Cabaleiro Campo has been with the Ballett am Rhein since the 2016/17 season.
Registration & Contact
For your registration (stating your full name and date of birth) and for any questions please write to:
The workshops are free of charge.
The workshops will take place at Tanzhaus im Ahrbergviertel.
Tanzhaus im AhrbergViertel
Ilse-ter-Meer-Weg 7
30449 Hannover
Bitte beachtet, dass im Tanzhaus die 3G-Regel gilt. Bitte den Nachweis über eine vollständige Corona-Schutz-Impfung oder einen negativen Corona-Test/Bürgertest (nicht älter als 24h) mitbringen. Nur in Ausnahmefällen könnt ihr vor Ort einen Selbsttest machen.
>> Audition for the CDC –
Connection Dance Center
>> on the 5th of december 2021
Was ist das Connection Dance Center?
Das Connection Dance Center ist eine intensive Bildungsreihe, in der Choreographin Mónica García Vicente, unterstützt von Gastlehrer*innen aus allen Bereichen der Performance-Kunst (Tanz, Musik, Dramaturgie, Schauspiel, Beleuchtung u.a.), 10–16 jungen Amateur-Tänzer*innen die Möglichkeit bietet, in einer professionellen Umgebung zu arbeiten und die Routine und den Alltag einer Tänzerin/eines Tänzers zu erleben. Das Angebot richtet sich an tanzinteressierte Menschen, im Alter von 15 bis 27 Jahren, die eine bunte Gruppe bilden, mit Diversität an Tanzstilen, (Lebens-)Erfahrung und Herkunft. Das Connection Dance Center verbindet im angedachten Zeitraum von Februar bis Mitte Juni (jährlich, 2022 sowie 2023) die unterschiedlichsten Bereiche und Facetten des Berufs einer Tänzerin/eines Tänzers.
Für die Teilnehmenden werden wöchentliches Training und Proben von Mónica García Vicente angeboten. Diese Proben führen zu sogenannten Mikroperformances an verschiedenen Orten der Region Hannover mit breit gefächertem Publikum. Parallel dazu könnten die Teilnehmenden durch Hospitationen in Kultureinrichtungen der Region (Staatsoper Hannover, LOT Theater Braunschweig, Felix Landerer) die Arbeitsweise an bestehenden Häusern und Companien kennenlernen. Für vier Tänzer*innen wird die besondere Chance geboten, an der nächsten professionellen Produktion von Mónica García Vicente mitzuarbeiten. Das Center gibt den Teilnehmenden so Impulse zur Professionalisierung und beruflichen Orientierung. Gleichzeitig entsteht ein Inspirationskreislauf zwischen den Teilnehmenden und der Choreographin, eine Ko-Kreativität zur Entwicklung von Visionen und deren künstlerischer Umsetzung. Die Teilnehmenden schließen das Projekt zusätzlich mit dem Zertifikat „Kompetenznachweis Kultur“ ab.
For this we are looking for people interested in dance who
>> already know a dance style and are open to experimenting with other styles and genres
>> are talented dancers who like to improvise and are interested in choreographic work
>> are between the ages of 15 and 27
>> are looking for a colorful group with diversity in dance styles, (life) experience, age and background … but with the same goal: passion and enthusiasm for dance, music, art and theater
>> are interested in the profession of the dancer in all facets: From stage dancer to dance educator, workshop leader, dance teacher, trainer, and choreographer
Audition on the 5th of december 2021
Das Vortanzen für das CDC 2022 findet am Sonntag, den 05.12.2021 von 10:30 – max. 18:00 Uhr statt. Die Teilnahme an mindestens einem der Dance with Me! Workshops ist Bedingung für das Vortanzen!
Zum Vortanzen mitbringen solltet ihr – neben Sportklamotten, Verpflegung & Getränken:
>> Eingehend mit der Anmeldung Euren Lebenslauf, aus dem Eure bisherige Tanzerfahrung hervorgeht.
>> Ein Zitat oder einen Satz, der beschreibt, warum Du am Tanz interessiert bist / was Dir wichtig ist am Tanzen oder welches Ziel Du als Tänzer*in erreichen möchtest.
>> Ein kurzes Solo (Maximallänge 1 Minute) in Eurem Tanzstil + die dazugehörige Musik auf einem USB-Stick.
Verbindliche Anmeldung mit Lebenslauf bis 03.12.2021 an:
The auditions and trainings will take place at Tanzhaus im Ahrbergviertel.
Tanzhaus im AhrbergViertel
Ilse-ter-Meer-Weg 7
30449 Hannover
Bitte beachtet, dass im Tanzhaus die 3G-Regel gilt. Bitte den Nachweis über eine vollständige Corona-Schutz-Impfung oder einen negativen Corona-Test/Bürgertest (nicht älter als 24h) mitbringen. Nur in Ausnahmefällen könnt ihr vor Ort einen Selbsttest machen.
For your registration and for any questions please write to:
More info:
A project in cooperation with:
FB Kultur, Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung der Stadtteilkultur
FB Jugend und Familie, Kinder- und Jugendarbeit
Sponsored by Landeshauptstadt Hannover / Kulturbüro