Move a performance

Move a performance

move a performance


Premiere8th of november, 2019, within the framework Of FrauenORTE in Bewegung, Lister Turm Hannover
artistic direction / choreographyMónica García Vicente
dancersEleanor Freeman, Lauren Anne Murray, Bettina Paletta, Loris Zambon
live musicEmre Kesim
photography Peter Hoffmann-Schoenborn
sponsored byLandeshauptstadt Hannover Kulturbüro, Stiftung Edelhof Ricklingen V.J.V. Osten

Three soloists, three choreographies, three spaces… and one composition. The theme: female creativity in art, politics and science. The place: three rooms in the Lister Turm, on different levels of the building, in which the three eight-minute solo performances are shown simultaneously. The audience moves from room to room, from level to level, and becomes, as it were, part of the overall performance. The choreography becomes a mediating instance between performers and audience, which is challenged to position itself again and again and to look for perspectives beyond the traditional view of a stage dance.

The viewers of the video “Move a Performance” can track down this aesthetic experience of the diversity of perspectives in the various body images and intersections and perhaps even empathize with them.


move a performance: movement, music and space in polylogue



Hablando de Carmen

Hablando de Carmen

hablando de carmen


Premiere15th of june, 2019, Eisfabrik Hannover
artistic direction / choreographyMónica García Vicente
dancersLoris Zambon, Bettina Paletta, Alice Gaspari
live music/compositionJürgen Morgenstern-Feise
dramaturgy Christina Rohwetter
costumes Trixxi Theis
light designChristoph Lubrich
photography Dorit Schulze
sponsored byLandeshauptstadt Hannover Kulturbüro, Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur, Region Hannover, Klosterkammer Hannover

This artistic work on the myth leads to a reflection on the existential human themes of love, life and death, sexuality, freedom and violence.

When “speaking about Carmen” with words, gestures and sounds, the clichés liquefy. New perceptions, insights and forms of expression emerge beyond the stereotypes. Dance, text and music are equal and moving elements of the choreography, which are in a permanent dialogue on stage – in search of alternative, liberating stories about the myth of Carmen.


the woman is bitter as gall; but there are two occasions when she is pleasant: in bed and on the bier.


Palladas; Later The Motto Of The Novella
“Carmen” by Prosper Mérimée

Industrial movements

Industrial movements

industrial movements


Premiere21st of september, 2019, Kesselhaus Hannover
artistic direction / choreographyMónica García Vicente
dancersAlice Gaspari, Bettina Paletta, Loris Zambon
live musicEmre Kesim
photography Peter Hoffmann-Schoenborn
sponsored byLandeshauptstadt Hannover Kulturbüro, Stiftung Edelhof Ricklingen V.J.V. Osten

The Kesselhaus is an inspiring place for an artistic experiment on the role of women in industry. The performance of movement, rhythm and sound conveyed to the audience the arduous circumstances of working in dirt, soot, heat, confinement and noise. The performers transformed the boiler house into an instrument, from which the musician was even able to elicit entire melodies, and into a participatory space of experience in which the audience had to position itself independently in relation to the three dancers in order to find a perspective.

the kesselhaus is a magical place where new forms of expression can be found for communicating with the audience.


Mónica García Vicente

Das weiße Blatt

Das weiße Blatt

das weiße blatt


Premiere29th of april, 2018, within the framework of Move Your Town, Neues Rathaus Hannover
artistic direction / choreographyMónica García Vicente
dancerMónica García Vicente
live musicJürgen Morgenstern-Feise
photographyMichèle Stéphanie Seydoux
sponsored byLandeshauptstadt Hannover Kulturbüro

The performance was a new experience every time, both for those on stage and for the audience. You have to study and do research so that all these experiences can flow freely when improvising and so that this journey / improvisation becomes interesting.


for me, impro means:
i don’t search, i experience the moment and in the end, you always find something.


Mónica García Vicente

Mar ardentro

Mar ardentro

mar ardentro


Premiere27th of january, 2018, SOLOCOREOGRAFICO 2018 – Frankfurt Edition, Gallus Theater, Frankfurt
other performances Festival 1.2.3…Soli 2018 in Lyon & within the framework of New Steps at Ballhof Theater Hannover
awardWinner Festival 1.2.3… Soli Lyon-Award
artistic direction / choreographyMónica García Vicente
dancer Davide Sioni
photographyMichèle Stéphanie Seydoux, Jörg Mannes

to swim out to sea and to not be able to come back. my memories burned inside of me. i am in the prison, the water is my prison, the water is my freedom. one day i will be able to come back.


Mónica García Vicente
